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New Subscribers' Registration Form

Note: This is a paid subscription website - if you want to subscribe, it is $200 per year, $550 for three years, or $900 for five years. Please use PayPal, a credit card or call (813) 431 3237 or email me using the contact form if you prefer to pay with a check or cash. If you have just paid then skip to the form immediately.

Welcome new subscriber! Upon filling out the registration form - an email will be sent to me alerting me that you have registered. I will approve it as soon as possible along with an expiration date, providing you are a paid subscriber.

Your email will be your User Identification whenever you login to the subscribers' area. Write down in a safe place your password. If lost, it will have to be redone as the passwords are encrypted when posted to the database.

Note: Fields marked with an * are required.

Subscribers' Registration
All About You
First Name: * i.e. William or William D.
Last Name: * i.e. Hoefer or Hoefer, Jr.
Business Name: Optional.
Address: * Street.
Unit: Optional.
City: *  
State: *